Turn your health around in just 28 days
Are you experiencing low energy, chronic pain, inflammation, excess weight or irritability?
Trying to cope with unhealthy snacks or food choices?
Turned off by extreme or unhealthy quick-fixes?
Your stressed-out body just might be looking for a place to start
Join us for a 28-day transition to healthier eating, cooking, shopping and living
What's included:
* four 1-hour weekly live classes with certified health coach, Jennifer Kelly (recordings available)
* live interactive food prep/cooking demonstration
* detoxification education: why the body's natural ability to detoxify may be impaired
* guidelines for eating to cleanse and rebuild stressed-out organs using only real foods
* meditation/breathwork practice
* information, guidance and support from a certified holistic health professional
* information packet, shopping list, recipes, menu ideas for detoxification and reducing
chronic inflammation
* healthy practices to incorporate into 28-day program and post-program lifestyle
*yoga & meditation at Simplicity Yoga studio for the duration of the cleanse
This four-week program is NOT a quick-fix, purge your insides, drastic type of program. Instead, participants can look forward to discovering which foods are meant for cleansing, which are causing an accumulation of toxins and inflammation, and how to adjust food shopping, preparation and eating in the simplest, most natural way possible.
WHEN: Mondays, May 2, 9, 16, & 23 from 6-7pm
WHERE: Anywhere you are! (through Google Meets)
COST: $297