Less IS More

Summertime is supposed to be the break.  Relaxing at the beach, sunning ourselves by the pool, enjoying backyard barbecues with friends, maybe even getting away...so why in August do I feel like I need a vacation from my vacation?

It's so easy to get caught up in the go-go-go rhythm of a busy life, whether it's working and taking care of the family, or making sure we make the most of the fun time.  Many of my clients have actually admitted that they look forward to getting back into a fall routine with the kids in school and vacation-mode behind them.

I have to agree.  Although FEW people enjoy the sun and beach more than I, having the opportunity to slow down this fall and regroupis exactly what the holistic health coach ordered.

When life starts to feel overwhelming, out of control or even a little unpleasant, that is the perfect time to stop, shift, and make room for something new.  Important note:  You know it's happening because when you check in with yourself, you don't feel your best.  
It could be as simple as changing the curtains in your bedroom or rearranging your furniture, but you must first stop what you are doing, then shift energy, and make room to allow the new and good to flow to you.  

I am taking this coaching advice very personally - I have decided to take my own break from a hectic cooking class schedule in order to focus on my coaching clients and my new and exciting interactive member website.  I am so excited about this project that every time I talk about it, I get goosebumps, which is how I know for certain that it requires me to stop, shift focus, and make room for it.  I have rearranged my work and cooking class schedule so as to allow myself the time to focus my attention and make room for something really new and exciting.  In this way, less IS more; less MAKES ROOM for more, and less WILL BRING more in the end.

What can you shift, clear out, cut out, or slow down from to make room for more of what you DO want?  Bring this idea to your morning or evening meditation and see what comes your way.


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